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The Shahbag Chapter

The protests that started in Shahbag to demand the execution of war criminals is going to an important part of history some day. It is a modern revolution like no other. Initiated by bloggers and online activists, there are thousands of supporters for this very cause irrespective of their political background. On 5 February 2013, the bloggers along with their supported started protesting at Shahbag which is now called 'Projonmo Chottor' (Generation Circle). More and more people join the protests as days pass by. Men, women, children - everyone is gathering and protesting day and night in order to receive justice. Justice will be served when the war criminals including Kader Mollah will be sentenced capital punishment for raping the women and children of the country, killing several people when the country was in turmoil and other heinous crimes.

This event is important because people are demonstrating their unity against the justice that will affect the entire country. It has been started by people from the younger generation, that not only constitute the majority of Bangladesh, but also are the future of this country. If they have decided to start this demonstration and have succeeded in at least being noticed, the country may be in good hands. But this is only possible if these student leaders and their groups start their own group against the political parties. They need a separate identity for themselves because otherwise, sooner or later, the current political parties will affect them. They will be sucked into the politics of Awami League and BNP that our country has been witnessing for years.

N.B.: The picture we have posted relating to this blog post do not belong to us and hence we do not take credit for the picture.

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Anonymous said...

I went there three days. I like all this, because i love my country very much. I personaly think that by this movement we can make our country beautiful. Please don't stop your movement.

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