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Preparing for Valentine's Day

There is no way one can miss the sight of Valentine's Day when in Dhaka city. The day makes itself evident because of the red decorations, crowded markets and lengthy waiting lines in front of restaurants. If you have a partner for yourself this day, it is understood that you would want to spend time with them somewhere and take them our for a romantic lunch/dinner. Here we remind you of certian things that may help you prepare :)


  • If you want the day to go smoothly, plan in advance. Restaurant reservations are a must if you don't want to be standing in a lines for several minutes with your partner, or worse get embarrassed in front of them when the place won't be available at all. 
  • It is always better to purchase gifts in advance (unless, they're flowers!). Some shops tend to hike up their prices knowing that they will definitely profit from the young crowd. Also, what you wanted to get for them, might be out of stock. 
  • Be familiar with the taste of your partner. You don't want to get them/order something they're not fond of.
  • Leave for your destination early. The roads are definitely going to be jam-packed this day. There will be little time to move around from one place to another if you have change of plans for whatever reason. 
  • We know that you want to impress your date - but impressing is all about having a good time, more than spending a lot of money and then regretting later. You have to keep in mind that restaurants are very busy during this time so their services may not be up to their mark (delay in serving time, attending to all your needs, etc.) What we're saying is, you don't always have to spend your Valentine's day at expensive restaurants. Cheaper alternatives that you know serve great food is also a great choice. That way you'll have more money to spend on your partner for gifts or you can order more food than you could have in the expensive restaurant.
  • Don't get depressed if you're single and all your other friends have plans. Utilize this time to catch up or get ahead with your work. Moreover, you're not the only single person out there on Valentine's day. Catch up with the ones who are in the same boat as you.
  • You don't necessarily have to celebrate Valentine's day on 14th February either. We understand that a lot of you have tight schedules and are usually very busy. Here is an alternative idea: Do something thoughtful for your partner on the 14th to keep up the Valentine spirit but you could choose to actually take them out the next day. 15th February is a Friday this year, so the roads will be free and restauarants won't be as crowded as they would be on 14th. There would be no panicking or waiting - just a peaceful atmosphere where you can quietly spend your time together.
  • Be informed about restaurant discount offers and coupons. These could help save your money a lot!

On a side note, we know a few couples who are headed to Projonmo Chottor on this day. They think it would be a good idea to spend time doing something together for a good cause. You may actually get to bond better by knowing what drives your partner. However, it depends on the taste and mindset of your partner if they would be willing to spend their day like this. Don't do this just to save your money! Be sure of what your partner wants, talk it out with them, plan and do what will make you both happy!
We sincerely hope your day goes as per your expectations. The city isn't always safe - so don't stay out late or be left alone where you shouldn't be. Stay safe. We wish you the best and a very happy Valentine's day! :D

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Have a nice day,

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