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21st February or Martyr's Day is celebrated in order to commemorate the sacrifices of Mohammad Salauddin, Abdul Jabbar, Abul Barkat, Rafiquddin Ahmed and Abdus Salam who died to protect our mother language, Bangla. Their valor and patriotism inspired many other people throughout our country, which at the time was East Pakistan.
Image Courtesy: newstop24.com
The revolution started when Tamuddin Majlis demanded Bangla as a state language of Pakistan in the booklet “State Language of Pakistan: Bengali or Urdu”. This sparked demonstrations and rallies from Dhaka University students under the leadership of Abul Kashem, secretary of Majlis. Later on 26th January 1952, Prime Minister Nazimuddin announced that “Urdu and only Urdu will be the official language of Pakistan".  The government also imposed ‘Section 144’ banning any gatherings of more than four people. On 21 February 1952, student groups defied this ban and continued their protests. The police opened fire on them, thus killed those students that we remember today.
UNESCO recognized 21 February as world language day on 17 November 1999 in order to honor these patriots and promote the recognition of different languages. It is a public holiday in Bangladesh and people celebrate it by wearing black & white. It is customary for people to walk barefoot to the Shahid Minar with a bunch of flowers in their hand and visit the graveyards of the Shaheed. At midnight, the President followed by the Prime Minister and other political leaders pay homage to the martyrs. Book fairs, literary competitions and music shows are held throughout the country to evoke the feeling of pride for our language. 
A song called, "Amar bhaier rokto rangano", composed by famous author Mr. Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury, represents the true nature and heart-touching emotions associated with the day. Listeners of BBC Bengali Service have voted this as the thir best song in Bengali. 

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In moments of despair, we find happiness: Dhaka Gladiators win BPL Finals

The Shahbagh Chapter, political riots and continuous strikes may be very demoralizing for a lot of people, but BPL favourites are here to uplift the spirit of their fans. On 19th February 2013, Dhaka Gladiators bagged the BPL title for the second consecutive time with a 43-run win over against Chittagong Kings. Mosharraf Hossain, Anamul Haque and Alfonso Thomar brought smiles across millions of cricket fans after achieving victory against their rivals. Probably a silver lining to the dark cloud, even if it for a while, it took the tension off some tired and exhausted minds. We, the DhakaBloggers Team, congratulate them on their marvelous success.

Image Courtesy: ESPN via Bangladesh Cricket Board

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Preparing for Valentine's Day

There is no way one can miss the sight of Valentine's Day when in Dhaka city. The day makes itself evident because of the red decorations, crowded markets and lengthy waiting lines in front of restaurants. If you have a partner for yourself this day, it is understood that you would want to spend time with them somewhere and take them our for a romantic lunch/dinner. Here we remind you of certian things that may help you prepare :)


  • If you want the day to go smoothly, plan in advance. Restaurant reservations are a must if you don't want to be standing in a lines for several minutes with your partner, or worse get embarrassed in front of them when the place won't be available at all. 
  • It is always better to purchase gifts in advance (unless, they're flowers!). Some shops tend to hike up their prices knowing that they will definitely profit from the young crowd. Also, what you wanted to get for them, might be out of stock. 
  • Be familiar with the taste of your partner. You don't want to get them/order something they're not fond of.
  • Leave for your destination early. The roads are definitely going to be jam-packed this day. There will be little time to move around from one place to another if you have change of plans for whatever reason. 
  • We know that you want to impress your date - but impressing is all about having a good time, more than spending a lot of money and then regretting later. You have to keep in mind that restaurants are very busy during this time so their services may not be up to their mark (delay in serving time, attending to all your needs, etc.) What we're saying is, you don't always have to spend your Valentine's day at expensive restaurants. Cheaper alternatives that you know serve great food is also a great choice. That way you'll have more money to spend on your partner for gifts or you can order more food than you could have in the expensive restaurant.
  • Don't get depressed if you're single and all your other friends have plans. Utilize this time to catch up or get ahead with your work. Moreover, you're not the only single person out there on Valentine's day. Catch up with the ones who are in the same boat as you.
  • You don't necessarily have to celebrate Valentine's day on 14th February either. We understand that a lot of you have tight schedules and are usually very busy. Here is an alternative idea: Do something thoughtful for your partner on the 14th to keep up the Valentine spirit but you could choose to actually take them out the next day. 15th February is a Friday this year, so the roads will be free and restauarants won't be as crowded as they would be on 14th. There would be no panicking or waiting - just a peaceful atmosphere where you can quietly spend your time together.
  • Be informed about restaurant discount offers and coupons. These could help save your money a lot!

On a side note, we know a few couples who are headed to Projonmo Chottor on this day. They think it would be a good idea to spend time doing something together for a good cause. You may actually get to bond better by knowing what drives your partner. However, it depends on the taste and mindset of your partner if they would be willing to spend their day like this. Don't do this just to save your money! Be sure of what your partner wants, talk it out with them, plan and do what will make you both happy!
We sincerely hope your day goes as per your expectations. The city isn't always safe - so don't stay out late or be left alone where you shouldn't be. Stay safe. We wish you the best and a very happy Valentine's day! :D

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The Shahbag Chapter

The protests that started in Shahbag to demand the execution of war criminals is going to an important part of history some day. It is a modern revolution like no other. Initiated by bloggers and online activists, there are thousands of supporters for this very cause irrespective of their political background. On 5 February 2013, the bloggers along with their supported started protesting at Shahbag which is now called 'Projonmo Chottor' (Generation Circle). More and more people join the protests as days pass by. Men, women, children - everyone is gathering and protesting day and night in order to receive justice. Justice will be served when the war criminals including Kader Mollah will be sentenced capital punishment for raping the women and children of the country, killing several people when the country was in turmoil and other heinous crimes.

This event is important because people are demonstrating their unity against the justice that will affect the entire country. It has been started by people from the younger generation, that not only constitute the majority of Bangladesh, but also are the future of this country. If they have decided to start this demonstration and have succeeded in at least being noticed, the country may be in good hands. But this is only possible if these student leaders and their groups start their own group against the political parties. They need a separate identity for themselves because otherwise, sooner or later, the current political parties will affect them. They will be sucked into the politics of Awami League and BNP that our country has been witnessing for years.

N.B.: The picture we have posted relating to this blog post do not belong to us and hence we do not take credit for the picture.

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Construction Works at Banani

People passing by near the construction site of a building at Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani

A woman has difficulty in maneuvering through the footpath.

Workers at the construction site face difficulty because of the traffic and crowded environment.

Roads are being damaged as construction continues.

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Restaurant Review: Rush Tex-Mex Cafe

Rush Tex-Mex is a small yet amazing Mexican Restaurant located at Banani (Block C, Road 6, House 79) which opened this new year's. We went to discover some of its delicacies when the restaurant completed its one month anniversary on February 1, 2013.

The owner, a middle aged man who seemed like a food enthusiast, was very friendly with us and kept suggesting what we should order. He loved talking to his customers and ask them for suggestions. He recommended the Beef Nachos Salad which was their most popular dish. We ordered that along with a Beef Cheese Burger & Beef Quesadilla. Their beef quality is amazing and their nachos salad is rightly so popular. One just can't have enough of it. The burgers were big and juicy and the quesadillas were quite good too.

The food there is not only delicious but they also charge very reasonable prices. The most expensive item on their menu (3 Tacos + 1 drink combo) is BDT 425.00 (exclusive of VAT). Although the place is small with a limited number of seats (2 medium tables that can accommodate 4-6 people each), it is a must try and we highly recommend it. 

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